* Remedial (deep tissue/sports) Massage* Exercise Therapy* Lymphatic & Oncology Massage * Fertility & Maternity Massage* Children & Baby Massage *Dry Needling/Taping * Bowen
* Orofacial Myology* TMJ Jaw treatment * Mineral Facial Analysis * Gift Vouchers
Goldfields Revitalise: looking after the whole you
Providing for the unborn, newly born and growing as well as the active and ageing population.
Goldfields Revitalise is located in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia.
Tanya and Eshe, a mother daughter team, have been providing services to the Goldfields for over 10 years with specialist services in Remedial Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage (and garments), Oncology Massage, Orofacial Myology, Maternity and Yoni (Fertility) Massage, Post Partum care, Exercise rehabilitation and our new Mineral Analysis testing.
Our passion is looking at the whole you so you can live your best life!
Holistic services such as Bowen, Reiki, Kinesiology, Reflexology and combined treatment plans are also available alongside with referrals to other local services.
Both Tanya and Eshe have attained their training in Australia and are accredited with the
Massage Association of Australia.
Operating Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-6:30pm
Friday 8am-7pm
Please note calls may not be able to be answered asap depending on whether we are with clients
Appointments are also manually claimable with your private health care

Small group classes and individual appointments are available to get back to an optimum life~ sessions are 100% individualised

“Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”
Denis Waitley

Review for maternity & baby massage in Kalgoorlie Boulder

Review for maternity & baby massage in Kalgoorlie Boulder